Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

The History of The Name Jakarta

Nama  : Kristin Natalia
NPM    : 23210927
Kelas    : 3EB17

Who does not know Jakarta? Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. Jakarta was first known as one of the named port of Sunda Kingdom of Sunda Kalapa, located at the mouth of the Ciliwung River in 397-1527. Then, Sunda Kelapa name was changed to Jayakarta given by the people and Cirebon Demak under the leadership of Fatahillah (Faletehan) after attacking and occupying the port of Sunda Kelapa on June 22, 1527. The name is usually translated as "city of victory" or "triumph of the city", but the true meaning is "victory achieved by an act or effort".
Determination of the anniversary of Jakarta on June 22 by Sudiro, the mayor of Jakarta, in 1956 was based on the tragedy of the occupation of the port of Sunda Kalapa by Fatahillah in 1527. In 1619, the VOC was led by Jan Pieterszoon Coen mastered Jayakarta after defeating forces of the Sultanate of Banten and later changed his name to Batavia. During the Dutch colonization, Batavia developed into a large and important city. Colonization by Japan beginning in 1942 and changed the name Batavia to Djakarta in appealing to residents during World War II. The city is also the venue of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on August 17, 1945 and was occupied until the recognition of the sovereignty of the Netherlands in 1949.

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